Measuring the space
Grab a pencil and a piece of paper
Sketch the approximate shape of the room (it doesn’t need to be perfect or to scale)
Draw in and label any features (e.g., windows, doors, fireplace)
Mark the location of outlets
Measure the overall room size (width and length)
Measure the ceiling height and mark this in the centre of the plan
Provide detailed measurements of each wall including the wall area, doors and windows
Note the measurements of the window and door heights
Photographing the space
Let in the natural light - turn off any lights and open the curtains
Take a photo from the centre of each wall as well as from each corner of the room
Start in one corner and work your way around the room
Try to capture part of the floor and ceiling in each photo
Take a photo of any furniture/pieces you would like to keep and include these items in the measurements
If possible, provide a video of the space and any adjoining rooms